We are connoisseurs of cookies; especially the chocolate chip variety. We have tried hundreds of recipes over the years and have several favorites, Mrs. Field's oatmeal, Magelbys, Millers, Cape Cod oatmeal, and a plain old standby called #7. Our local paper, the Gazette, raved about the following recipe and I have to agree that it is great. Perhaps it is because of the technique of creaming the wet ingredients a full 8 minutes (I think I will try that with my other cookie recipes). The paper called them "Chocolate Chip Cookies", but our family will call them "Gazettes". I hope you enjoy sharing them with those you love!
3 eggs 3 1/2 C all-purpose flour
1 C granulated sugar 1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 C brown sugar 1 tsp salt
1 C melted butter 2 C semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 1/2 tsp vanilla (I splurge on Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla, it's the best--you'll notice the difference)
-Preheat oven to 375degrees
-Cream eggs, sugars, butter and vanilla for 8 minutes using a stand mixer and wire beater.
-In a separate bowl combine flour, B. soda, and salt.
-Slowly add dry ingredients to wet ingredients.
-Remove from mixer and add chocolate chips, stirring in by hand.
-Drop by tablespoonfuls onto a pre-heated baking stone. Bake 10-11 minutes.
-Cool a few minutes before removing from the baking stone. Cool on clean counter top.