Monday, March 10, 2008

Easter Menu

Dear Friends,
Easter is fast approaching. We don't celebrate with bunnies and baskets (we do May Day baskets instead on the first day of May). We celebrate Easter with our special Easter Dinner that has been a tradition in our family for many years. Perhaps you'd like to try it this year. The menu comes from the scriptures:

John 1:29 LAMB OF GOD (lamb roast)
John 6:35 BREAD OF LIFE (dinner rolls, we make cloverleaf rolls to represent the Godhead)
Jeremiah 2:13 LIVING WATERS (ice water)
Isaiah 11:1 STEM & BRANCH OF JESSE (broccoli)
Romans 15:12 ROOT OF JESSE (carrots and/or potatoes)
2 Timothy 2:8 SEED OF DAVID (sesame seeds sprinkled over vegetables)
Genesis 48:16 REDEEMING ANGEL (angel food cake, we use a ring to represent eternity)
1 Corinthians 15:20 FIRSTFRUITS (fruit salad, served over the cake as dessert)
Matthew 27:34 pickles representing the bitterness of the cross
Doctrine & Covenants 42:46 honey representing the sweetness of the resurrection
Matthew 21:42 STONE 1 Corinthians 10:4 ROCK
John 8:12 LIGHT (candle mounted on the rock)
John 15:1, 5 TRUE VINE (vines arranged around candle/rock)

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