Sunday, June 22, 2008


I baked my favorite cake this morning. It is to serve at our family dinner tonight (my son and his family usually join us for dinner on Sundays). I chose this recipe ostensibly because I happen to have cream on hand (not usually in my frig, but a necessary ingredient for this particular cake). But I really chose it because tomorrow begins my vacation! Tomorrow morning I will see my loved ones off to different destinations leaving me alone in the house! Nearly five whole days to do what I want, when I want; to eat what I want, when I want (hence my favorite cake--perhaps for breakfast every morning with the daily crossword puzzle?!?). You may think that I won't know what to do with myself. Oh, I know! I have grand plans for long walks, good books, knitting... Except for taking the dog to the vet one afternoon and bringing in the mail for a neighbor, this week is all mine. I feel like doing something wild and daring (my daughter reminded me not to get a tattoo). Maybe I will finally get up the nerve to buy the roller blades I've had my eye on for several years now. Maybe I will settle for cake for breakfast every morning. I hope no one has seconds at dinner tonight... but wait, even that is OK, I will just make myself another cake!


Eli said...

Wow, what I did with 5 days all to myself was watch a bunch of movies Kira didn't want to see. Although I did eat a lot of what I wanted to also. Enjoy!

jamiecassidy said...

It sounds like you're going to have your cake and eat it too! I don't know what I would do with that much time to myself..probably read, call an old friend, see a movie, read some more...after all you do, I think you deserve plenty of personal time to do what ever you want. Rollerblades? That's brave. I once went rollerskating when I was very young. My partner and I were skating along to the music when both front wheels on one skate came off. That's when I discovered I could dance. I recently had the opportunity to go rollerskating again while I was in a foreign country. The humdity there is so high that the skate rink floor would not last had it been made out of wood. I discovered just how much I preferred a wood floor instead of concrete when I fell. It was great fun after all these years (not too many bruises)! By the way what is your favorite cake?

DXOX said...

Oh boy, how wonderful. The silence, that in it's self gives me the chills. I say buy the roller blades and don't forget the safety gear (the mother in me)and take an afternoon road trip to some place you haven't been to in awhile, read, knit, roller blade and eat cake. Than the next time you have another moment like this, call me I'll come too!
Love you,XOX
P.S. Put a nap in there too!