Monday, December 8, 2008

part IV

Christmas Eve came. The whole family helped prepare a special supper, not as fancy as their traditional one, but so delicious. They played “name that Christmas tune” while cleaning up the kitchen together. There was barely enough time to read the Christmas story in Luke before phoning Jack. It was SO GOOD to hear his voice. He was happy, they would be baptizing a family of seven tomorrow! His excitement was contagious, “And they are SO golden!” Marcella enjoyed most of all hearing the things each of the children told Jack. They were all so happy to talk to him and share the special things going on in their lives. Jacob told him, “This is the best Christmas ever!” They said their “good-bye”s and “I-love-you”s and then a bit of sadness set in that their visit was over. The twins played some piano duets to cheer things up again and Jacob suggested they drive around to look at the lights, “Let’s go to some
new neighborhoods this year.” They even made a few surprise visits to those they knew would be alone that night. Snow started falling, a thick, fluffy snow that excited Jacob, “Hey, let’s build a huge snowman tomorrow!” At home, each opened the traditional gift of new jammies; no one seemed to care that Marcella hadn’t sewn them herself this year.
Marcella was surprised at what she felt inside. She couldn’t remember a Christmas Eve so, well, peaceful! She couldn’t remember a Christmas Eve that there wasn’t something keeping her busy until the wee hours. She took down the schedule from each door and threw them all away. As she and Jeff crawled into bed she smiled, “It sure was nice to talk with Jack tonight. I miss him so much, but he is doing well, isn’t he?”
“Yes, he is, but we always knew he would be a fine missionary, he loves the gospel about as much as you love Christmas. You DO still love Christmas, don’t you?”
Marcy smiled and thought carefully before answering. “Yes, yes I do love Christmas just as much. I think I love it differently, I hope I love it in a better way. Jacob said something tonight, that this was the best Christmas ever. Did you hear that?”
Jeff did hear, and nodded, “Why do you think he said that?”
Tears welled up, “Because it HAS been the best Christmas we’ve ever had. Even though Jack is away and we didn’t even follow the schedule that supposedly guarantees a perfect Christmas, this one has been the best. Do you know why?”
“I think I do, do you?” He hugged her close.
“It has to do with what the angel said to the shepherds about peace and good will. They really do go together, but all these years I had their relationship mixed up. I thought that peace came from good will and that doing good things would bring me the peace of Christmas. I did more and more, I organized it on the schedule, I packed every minute of every day. But I had it all wrong.”
“How so?”
“Peace isn’t just a result, peace is the cause, the cause of true and lasting good will toward men. When I read the visiting teaching message I finally understood it, it was that scripture in John.”
“Which scripture?”
“From John 14 where it says, ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
“And?” he prodded her to continue.
“I finally realized I could never have peace by being organized; the drive to be organized and make things ‘work’ was only troubling my heart. I was trying to do things the world’s way and it was crowding out the only true source of peace, the Savior. I’ve had to change my whole way of thinking. I’ve had to let peace, His peace, enter my heart. Instead of sticking to the schedule, I have let Christ guide me through the season this year.”
Jeff broke in, “He did a very good job; I hope you’ll let Him do it again next year!”
“I think I’ve learned my lesson. But I feel as though I have wasted the past twenty years. I’ve cheated everybody. I’ve even promoted those false notions of a ‘perfect Christmas’ to the sisters in Relief Society!”
Jeff laughed, “Don’t forget what happened at the ward party! They’re catching on, just like you did, and you helped them do it! Next summer you can teach a mini-class called ‘Having Peace During the Holidays’ or ‘A Christ-centered Christmas’, you’ll be a big hit, especially among the husbands; I know for a fact it has made a big difference to them this year.” Jeff got serious, “Our Christmases have always been ‘perfect’ but this year has been truly wonderful, peaceful! I love you!”
Marcy melted, “I love you, too. This really has been the best Christmas ever. And we have one glorious day left to enjoy. Tomorrow after we open gifts and build our snowman, let’s all go sledding on Bird Hill!”

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