Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jim & Pam

At a recent visit to the thrift store Jesse found an offer he couldn’t refuse: a small-animal cage with accessories. So he bought it. A trip to the pet store for two gerbils and he is now a proud father. The boys were worried about my reaction when he brought them home. Being “The Calm One,” I was calm, “What have you named them?” We talked it over and offered our suggestions, everything from cartoon characters (Mickey & Minnie, Donald & Daisy) to classics from literature and scriptures (The-brother-of-Jared & The-brother-of-Jared’s-wife). Jesse liked the simple Jim & Pam from “The Office” television show (although I thought he should have named one of them after me…). In case you haven’t guessed, one is male and one is female. We are very likely going to have more gerbils soon. I wonder that we don’t already have enough little critters running around what with Missy’s mice “friends” she brings in every few days. I guess I should be glad that these are caged, and glad Jesse is older now. He has done gerbils before, about 20 years ago… More on that tomorrow. Meanwhile, I am staying calm…


THE Hannah Ricks said...

Aww, I think "The Brother of Jared" and "Brother-of-Jared's Wife" roll off the tongue quite nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Moriancumer?

Eli said...

And Avey is sooooo excited to meet them! You're a good sport!