Monday, July 7, 2008

chance encounters

My mother is the kind of person who likes to chat with strangers. The opportunity to do this presents itself quite frequently, most often while waiting in check-out lines at stores. I was often embarrassed by this as a child, but nevertheless have found that I do the same thing, which embarrasses my children (I also greet the store clerks by name; my children grew up thinking I knew everyone in the world).

This practice has led to my meeting some very lovely people and having some very sweet experiences. The day before Thanksgiving 30+ years ago I was in a very long line at the grocery store. A lady and her beautiful little girl were waiting also and we struck up a conversation. The little girl was actually her foster daughter. They had been together several years and it was obvious that they loved each other very much. This was going to be a very special Thanksgiving for them because the courts had just determined the little girl was now up for adoption into a family. She whispered to me out of earshot of the little girl, “Tomorrow we are telling her that we are the family that is adopting her!” I thought of them the next day, as I have many times since. What a wonderful Thanksgiving that was for that family, dreams coming true, lives forever changed, wonderful possibilities opening up for them for years and generations to come. I was very grateful to have heard their story, for indeed, there is much to be grateful for in this world.

Over the years I have come to wonder if what I call chance encounters aren’t really chance at all, for so often I meet just the person or hear just the story, or have just the sweet experience I need at the time. There was the gentleman I met walking to work one day 30+ years ago, the lady I met on a plane 2 years ago, and countless others whose lives have crossed mine for only a brief moment but have left an impact to last a lifetime. Perhaps these chance encounters are really tender mercies from the Lord, to remind me that He is mindful of each of us. Talk to a stranger today!

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