Monday, November 3, 2008

bee friend

I watched the grandchildren a couple of days last week. When I opened their living room drapes first thing one morning I found a dead bee on the window sill. I thought Dallin (4 years old) might like to see it. He was SO thrilled, apparently he had been wishing for a new friend and he knew that this bee was it. He put it in a treasure box and carried it with him wherever he went. He checked on it periodically, giving me status reports. When I came back the next day he asked me to help him find another one (so the first one wouldn’t be lonely). We spent the morning checking all the window sills in the house, then we went outside to check spider webs and leaf piles. We found a few dead moths, but he thinks they are too “creepy”, a dead beetle and two live beetles. He kept the dead one and one of the live ones for his “collection”. I remembered when I was a little girl and found a cockroach trapped in an empty soda bottle. I was SO thrilled to have a pet! It is easy to forget (or take for granted), as we get older and busier, the beauties of this marvelous world, great and small. The fall leaves in their gorgeous colors are just too beautiful not to notice and appreciate (Dallin has a leaf collection, too). Take time today to see this world with child-like eyes and be delighted with the wonder of it all!


Jackie said...

That beetle is still alive and well creeping me out day after day. That leaf collection is still growing too, only the finest stored in a trash bag on our railing for the stairwell.

kg said...

It always amazes me how the world slows down when I am with a child, especially 3-4 year olds. They stop and notice everything! Oh to have the joy they find in each new discovery.