Her drawings have made me think of my own hands and how I love them. They are getting older, now; the knuckles are starting to get a little crooked and knotted with the beginning signs of arthritis. But the skin is still smooth and soft and they still can do everything I need them to do for me. Sometimes I forget how absolutely precious my hands are. I tend to use them and abuse them, take them for granted and neglect them. But they are my best tools; they are skilled and creative. They are agile enough to play the piano and do fine needlework; they are strong enough to pull weeds, scrub floors, and make bread. They are gentle enough to comb snarls out of a little girl's curls or nurse an injured bird. And they are tender enough to caress the ones that I love.
I hope they never get too tired to do good things!
1 comment:
Beautiful thought from Lovey, and a beautiful drawing from Hannah.
Is there any chance that Hannah's drawings could be posted somewhere on the web so that we can see them all?
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