Friday, February 17, 2012

endureth all things

I remember hearing of a pioneer from one of the ill-fated handcart companies that started out too late in the year and ran into early winter storms on the trek west. They suffered terribly with little winter clothing and food rations at levels too low to sustain life, especially in such demanding physical conditions. This particular pioneer decided, “I will walk to that tree, then I will lay down and die.” When he made it to the tree he told himself, “I will walk to that boulder, then I will lay down and die.” Thus he kept himself going, a few yards at a time, for a mile at a time was too overwhelming, and the very thought of a hundred miles seemed utterly impossible. There are times in our lives when our love keeps us from giving up, although enduring to an end we cannot see may seem utterly impossible. Whatever it is we are called to endure, like that pioneer, we can see it through to the end by enduring one day at a time, or one hour at a time. We, too, can accomplish what seems impossible, when motivated by love.

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