Saturday, February 18, 2012

if ye have not charity, ye are nothing

And so let’s look at the qualities of a charitable person side by side with their possible opposites:

Suffereth long ----------------------- Bitter

Kind -------------------------------- Cruel

Envieth not ------------------------- Jealous

Not puffed up ----------------------- Boastful

Seeketh not her own ---------------- Selfish

Not easily provoked ----------------- Angry

Thinketh no evil -------------------- Judgmental

Rejoiceth not in iniquity ------------ Conniving

Rejoiceth in the truth --------------- Deceitful

Beareth all things ------------------ Intolerant

Believeth all things ----------------- Skeptical

Hopeth all things ------------------- Despondent

Endureth all things ----------------- Resigned

It is easy to see why Mormon’s address calls those without charity nothing; truly a person with no charitable qualities would be hard-pressed to be something. I have found most people to be loving on some level and are trying to improve. When their efforts are noticed and appreciated, they continue to grow. We can help that growth by being one of those that notices and acknowledges another’s efforts, if only with a kind word or a smile. Love is never wasted, or as Mormon put it “All things must fail, but charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever.”

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