Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Loving Relationship is...

Each February I do a daily tribute to love in honor of my favorite holiday, Valentine’s day.  This year I have chosen to address 28 characteristics of a successful and happy loving relationship.  You may notice that I am divorced and perhaps you are thinking to yourself, “She can’t know much about love.”  But perhaps it is that failed relationship that has prompted my lifelong study of love.  What is love, really?  I asked that of my former husband once and he summed it up in one word, COMMITMENT.  But I need much more than that in a loving relationship.  They say that love is a many-splendored thing and I have found it also to be a many-faceted thing.  You may have your own opinion, based on your own experience.  But I invite you along for the next 28 days as I share my opinion, based on my experience.