Sunday, January 13, 2008

Remember when...

Remember when...
Ironing was a big part of a woman's work? I learned to iron as agirl, when electric irons were around but before there were steamirons. In those days, to help the process along, we made our itemsdamp by sprinkling water on them then wrapping them in plastic for aday. Probably every woman learned the hard way not to leave thingswrapped too long or they'd get moldy!

I was responsible for pillowcases and handkerchiefs. We hadpretty pillowcases, embroidered by my mother or grandmother andtrimmed with lace made by my great-grandmother. I ironed them withcare as I thought of those special women; I knew what a treasure wehad in their artwork.

Nowadays our pillowcases don't need ironing and it is rare for usto have them decorated with embroidery or lace, especially handmade.Nowadays ironing isn't the chore it used to be; if we are careful tohang things up right out of the dryer, they may not need much morethan a touch-up with the iron. And nowadays, you may even find a manwho irons his own shirts--he's a keeper! LoveyLou

1 comment:

jamiecassidy said...

Where do you find such a man? The very idea...
ps I do so enjoy your blog site. I have wondered, how you make those shiny little booties? it seems so intricate.