Monday, October 20, 2008

to be a child again...

This morning we are getting the new carpet in our basement, the next-to-the-next-to-the-last step in getting life back to normal. So late last night my children realized that it would be their last chance to re-live a childhood memory, sliding down the stairs on a sleeping bag. Yes, it was a favorite pastime many years ago until they got too big/rough, and we realized it was taking a terrible toll on the carpet, reluctantly banning the activity (the children admitted that for a while they still did it when we were away). But now, with the carpet being replaced anyway, they could do it freely. They are older now, 14 and 18, and what before was a spontaneous activity now became a scientific project. They gathered all the sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets they could find (even braving the spiders in the shed) to set up the proper conditions for the superior sliding experience. They consulted with one another, made trial runs, adjusted and re-adjusted the “equipment” until things were declared perfect. A few runs of bliss and it was all over, time to put everything away. I don’t think it was quite as fun as it used to be. Part of it may be that they are taller now so the ride is much shorter. Perhaps part of it is the fact that it wasn’t a forbidden activity done behind our backs. I do hope it made a good memory for them, or at least that it brought to mind the fond memories of a fun childhood. We all need that!

1 comment:

Eli said...

Glad they didn't break any necks. I think I'd be aching for days after if I tried it now.