Tuesday, November 18, 2008

An invitation...

You are cordially invited to a Very Special Christmas Season. I invite you to share these ideas with your family and friends, then individually or as a family choose one of the options and then watch the magic of Christ bless your holidays!

Random acts of Kindness
Each morning in December, prayerfully offer yourself to the Savior as His servant for the day. During the day watch for opportunities, and listen for His promptings, of things you can do to brighten another’s day and help them feel the love of the Savior.

Love is a Verb
Prayerfully select someone toward whom you have difficulty showing Christ-like love. Each day in December, ask for the Lord’s help and guidance in making your thoughts, words, and deeds toward that person like those of the Savior.

Stand as a Witness
Each morning in December, pray for a missionary experience that day. Be sensitive to the Spirit and be prepared when it guides you to share a message of the Savior.

Learn of Me
Prayerfully choose a book about the Savior to read during December. Read 10 minutes each day (in addition to your scriptures).

Give a Gift from the Heart
Prayerfully consider the many gifts and talents the Lord has given especially to you, especially to bless the lives of those around you. Use one or more of those gifts to prepare and give a Christmas gift that is uniquely you. Be creative and let the Spirit help you know what the “perfect” gift is.

Give a Gift to the Savior
Christmas gifts celebrate the greatest gift of all, The Savior. One of the greatest things you can give Him in return is your obedience. Choose a commandment that is difficult for you at this time. Each day in December, prayerfully ask for the Lord’s help to strengthen you in living that commandment more fully and acceptable to the Lord.

1 comment:

kg said...

Love these ideas. Thank you for the gift of a meaningful/thoughtful December.