Sunday, January 3, 2010

ten not-so-noteworthey events of 2009

I have kept you fairly up-to-date on the happenings around here (that is until the last few months, sorry about that), the major events anyway. But as I look back on a most eventful year, I realize I have neglected a few of the smaller events, for example:

Isaac discovered his nose is on crooked. Once he mentioned it to us, we all agreed, “Hey, you’re right, it IS crooked.” We were all amazed that he got this old before anyone noticed. However, I think it is adorable, just the same.

I found the lost shovel. Of course Murphy’s law was in play, I found it after I used my Mothers Day gift card for Target to buy a new one. I found the old one shoved inside the playhouse, behind the sink/cupboard. The only way it could have gotten in there was through a window (I know because that’s the only way I could get it out). I can’t imagine anyone thinking it was more convenient to put it there than in the shed where it belongs and where it has been kept for 17 years… Any thoughts on that, Murphy?

I also found the pounds I lost… Alas, I guess that’s what resolutions are for.

Isaac measured taller than I am. He probably doesn’t consider this a not-so-noteworthy event, since he’s been working on it for 15 years. Of course, we haven’t considered the possibility that I may be shrinking, taller is taller, after all. His nose is still crooked…

Jesse got a haircut. OK, technically that was this year, New Year’s Day. But I cut off what had been growing since I gave him his last haircut, in June. My scraggly rag-a-muffin turned back into his handsome self, and girls, he is eligible!

We haven’t killed the cat (can a non-event count?). Not that we want to kill the cat, it’s just that, well, cats are very different from dogs, and we are having a hard time getting used to the cat. We still miss Penny very much…

I switched the side of the bed that I sleep on. I have my reasons for switching back after 30 years and it is working out great, for example,I’ve yet to get up on the wrong side of the bed!

Hannah has not chosen a major yet, although after this semester she knows it won’t be economics. I am glad she is narrowing it down.

I signed up for Facebook. This would be a “noteworthy” event if I ever posted anything. So far I just check on my children and a few friends occasionally. I keep asking my children for a lesson in how to do things, but I sense a reluctance, as though I would become too intrusive… who, me? So for now, anyway, my Facebook account still falls under the not-so-noteworthy. I DID get myself a bluetooth last month, though, and love the hands-free!

I think I’ve finally had enough of Perry Mason. I was a fan many years ago and mentioned that to a neighbor who happened to have maybe 100 or so episodes on VHS and was very happy to loan them to me. I’ve watched them, about 2 at a time for months now until everything is a jumbled mass of murder in my head. It is going to be a struggle to get through these last six tapes…

Thank you 2009, you have been a fabulous year. Welcome 2010, I have high hopes for many wonderful noteworthy and not-so-noteworthy events! (I promise to post on the blog more often).

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