Sunday, February 20, 2011

the worth of a soul

There are those who believe God to be a vengeful God, standing by, watching our every move waiting for a reason to throw down His wrath upon us like a strict and angry parent. But God is not standing by to punish us. He is standing by to bless us, because we matter to Him. He will bless us according to our desires, not just our needs. If we believe this, we can open our arms to receive all that He has for us, all that we desire. If we don’t believe this, we shrink away, believing ourselves to be undeserving, unworthy. We ourselves, because of our lack of understanding, don’t allow His blessings to come to us.

The key, then, to having all the good we want, is in realizing our worth to God. Our worth isn’t something we can earn, it just is, because we are His. Unfortunately, many of our earthly relationships inhibit our understanding of this principle. As children we learn that we aren’t good enough, we learn to be ashamed of who we are and we come to believe no one could possibly love us unconditionally. Perhaps we enter into a marriage relationship that beats us down emotionally. How can we possibly understand God’s love; how can we possibly believe He wants to bless us according to our desires? We struggle to develop faith in Him. We may come to believe that He CAN bless us, but miss the deeper level of faith, believing that He WILL bless us.

In our relationships, all of them, even the casual chance meetings with strangers, we should be helping each other realize our worth to God. We should be saying, in our words, our deeds, our gentle kind ways, “You matter to me because I know you matter to God.”

Then, perhaps, we can begin to have the courage to turn to Him for our needs and our desires, knowing He will answer us in one of three ways: “Yes!” “Yes, but not yet…” “I have something better in mind. Trust me, you will be very happy.”

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