Wednesday, March 3, 2010

deeper still

Imagine a relationship in which two individuals enjoy the deepest levels of emotional intimacy, where there is total and complete safety and trust, and consequently, total and complete openness and understanding. I imagine there would be few, if any, misunderstandings; any differences would be appreciated for providing a broader perspective; all ideas and opinions would be respected and considered. I imagine that there would be communication and understanding with just a touch, a knowing look that expresses much more than words ever could. In that type of atmosphere there would be no limit to what those two individuals could accomplish together, no limit to the joy they could experience, together. The energy of their relationship would magnify everything they do and spill over onto everything they touch, everyone they know. Their “oneness” would take on a God-like quality, much like that enjoyed by The Father and The Son. Not only is this the deepest level of communication, it is the truest kind of love, the love of heaven. This level is called “creation.”

Thank you for sharing February’s “tribute to love” (extended version) to honor Valentine’s Day and lovers everywhere!

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