Friday, March 5, 2010

Tim Tam Slam

A few weeks ago, my children introduced us to a fun delicacy called a Tim Tam Slam. Tim Tams are an Australian sandwich cookie made of two malted wafers with a fluffy icing in between and covered with a thin layer of chocolate. (Pepperidge Farm also makes them). To make a Tim Tam Slam, prepare a mug of a hot beverage (we like hot milk). Make the Tim Tam into a straw by biting off two opposing corners of the cookie. Draw the hot milk up into the cookie “straw” and as soon as the milk hits your mouth, pop the whole cookie inside (the hot milk melts it) and SLAM, heaven in your mouth!

Google “Tim Tam Slam” for some fun videos!


Eli said...

My mouth is watering!

THE Hannah Ricks said...

Just had those with a few of my roomies this week!

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