Friday, March 19, 2010

signs of spring

Yesterday the highs hit the sixties under a clear, vivid blue sky. Today the schools in the area have closed because of a severe winter storm expected today, bringing possibly 5”-7” of snow to the city (more in the mountains). Groundhog notwithstanding, spring is here.

At school yesterday, the teacher whispered to me, “Spring is here,” as she handed me a note, scribbled on a scrap of notebook paper and decorated with shamrocks, which she had confiscated from a third-grader.
“To Paige, You can’t even guess how much I love you. Can we date? You are the only one that I love. I love you. I love you. I love you. Evan”
I was very touched by Evan’s sincerity and the courage it took to express and share the deepest feelings of his tender heart for the girl he loves. Yes indeed, spring is here!

1 comment:

THE Hannah Ricks said...

The people on campus are so twitterpated!