Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a land of milk and honey?

Five of my children have attended college in Utah where they've been exposed to many of the finer things of life, certain things Utah has which cannot be found here in Colorado. Namely fry sauce and apple beer. Now fry sauce is easily made at home by mixing simple ingredients from the refrigerator. But apple beer, well, there is just no substitute for the real thing. Last fall Jesse moved back to Colorado to attend graduate school and he has sorely missed apple beer. His siblings brought 14 2-liter bottles back with them at Thanksgiving, then another 7 at Christmas. And just this week, when he heard that his sister-in-law was making a trip over, Jesse arranged for Hannah to get another 14 2-liter bottles of the stuff to send back with her. There will be joy in the house tomorrow. Ah,Utah, a land flowing with milk and honey, if by milk and honey you mean apple beer and fry sauce.

1 comment:

Eli said...

We may have to visit very soon!