Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It’s that time of year, the days turn ever so slightly shorter, the mornings are just a touch cooler, and school supplies fill the store shelves. I love this time of year, I love the exciting anticipation of school starting. I loved school, learning new and wonderful things, opening new books, sharpening new pencils (I used to name my two number twos and took care to help them last all school year). Clean white paper just cried out for words and numbers to be written on it. Perhaps that is why I wanted to be a teacher.

Now my excitement is in watching my children return to school. And all six of them have. Nate teaches history to 8th-graders by day and teaches a college history class at night. Eli is in a masters program (psychology) at UCCS. Jesse is in his last quarter at BYU (psychology) and Aaron is a junior there (speech pathology). Hannah and Isaac are both in high school, she is a senior and he is a freshman. One of my daughters-in-law is even a part-time substitute teacher!

I do my learning from books these days, finding great volumes at thrift stores. But I have an urge to buy my own school supplies; I could use some brand new number twos!


DXOX said...

I know what you are saying about needing new school supplies, so I always pick up extra "for the kids" then make room in my desk for the new pens etc. It's the cute school bags that I pass up. But I get to buy some fun new books from "Red's" book orders, YAHOO! Hey I have a idea for names to those #2's you should get "Whodat, Whoder, Whodonit,
Whoknew, and Soder." ~XOX

Lovey said...

What a hoot!