Monday, September 1, 2008

totally cool

Two weeks ago my 14-yr old son, Isaac, announced he was going “swimming” up in the mountains with his scouting friends and their leader. They came to pick him up and I asked if I needed to sign a trip permit of some kind. No, it was just an informal activity. As it turns out, they went cliff-diving! He had a fabulous time jumping off 40-foot cliffs into a pool too deep to even touch bottom. The only mishap was when he neglected to keep his arms tight against his body on one jump, smacking his forearm pretty hard. I was glad he had the adventure, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I was also glad I didn’t know about it ahead of time, you know how mothers can worry…
Then just this weekend my nearly-18-year-old daughter went to the shooting range with her older brothers. She got to try out Eli’s 40 caliber Glock handgun. She was totally into it, that fierce stance, arms outstretched, “Make my day” written all over her face. Thirteen shots emptied the clip, then she reloaded in a heartbeat, emptying 5 clips. She was so excited about the whole experience, she said she felt like Jason Bourne. She and Eli have a date to the gun show next weekend; she wants a 9mm Glock for Christmas this year…
I am so proud of my children!

1 comment:

Padre Viejo said...

Me too. And their mother.