Wednesday, August 20, 2008

in a nutshell

This is the fifty-fifth day! I am sad for this adventure to come to an end, although it never really ends, for as long as life continues there are lessons to be learned. I’ll continue to share thoughts from time to time as well as favorite quotes and movie lines, recipes, ideas, and just the day to day happenings in the life of a middle-aged woman… For today, I share highlights of the lessons life has taught me…

*Life is good! Feast upon it. Make the most of it. Live life as a total body experience.

*Be real! Be passionate! Discover who you are then become your best self.

*Respect your feelings. Nurture your soul with beautiful things, music, art, nature.

*Do the best you can with what you have. Be patient with others, they’re trying to do that, too.

*God knows the end from the beginning, trust Him. He answers prayers; we are important to Him.

*Things could be worse; things could be better… Make things better.

*Everything happens for a reason; there is an answer to every question.

*Duty is a great motivator, but love is a better one.

*The conviction that we are loved is the supreme happiness of life; the reverse is also true. Love truly, love deeply, love purely, and love passionately.

*Never give up on your dreams; anything and everything is possible!

*Respect your needs. You can never have enough of what you don’t need, for that which you don’t need can never satisfy.

*Be grateful! Appreciate what you have, take good care of it, use it to do good.

*Death is only the gateway to the next life.

*Let the light and energy of the universe fill your soul, and then pass it on.

*Lighten up! Never sacrifice what is good for the sake of what is right.

*Your mind is your most powerful tool, use it wisely. Let your learning lead to understanding. Remember that you don’t know everything (neither does anyone else).

*Look at the big picture, consider consequences, avoid choices that will cause regrets.

*Follow your heart. Follow the promptings of the Spirit. Follow the map!

*When in doubt: check a mirror; dress “up”, not “down”; keep your mouth shut; assume nothing; get a second opinion; ASK.

*Treasure friends and have many; treasure children, all of them.

*Never give unsolicited advice; take any unsolicited advice with a grain of salt.

*Don’t burn any bridges; take the high road; be kind, always be kind…

1 comment:

kg said...

Thank you for the inspiration and uplift in your life lessons.