Monday, February 18, 2013

Love is Laughter

How sweet it is to share moments of laughter; somehow they melt away the troubles and all seems right with the world for a moment.  Laughing together gives us sweet memories we can revisit from time to time, “Remember when I made that tofu loaf and it stayed in the frig for 2 months because no one would touch it?”  “Remember  that time I hid the flowers in the oven but you turned it on to cook dinner?”  “Remember that time I took out the trash you had piled by the back door and they weren’t bags of trash, it was fabric you just purchased?”  Sometimes just a word or a look can trigger a fond memory of a shared experience that makes you both burst into laughter so hard it makes your sides hurt.  Remembering the fun times we’ve shared helps us get through the rough patches, helps us see things from a broader perspective, through a softer lens.  If we can laugh at ourselves we tend to take things less seriously and realize that things aren’t quite as bad as we thought.  Just remember, we can laugh at ourselves, we can laugh with our partner, but please do not laugh AT your partner. Getting your jollies at the expense of a loved one is unkind, and sometimes even cruel.  Perhaps in time, a painful experience will seem less so and he will be ready to laugh at himself, THEN you can laugh with him.

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