Thursday, February 28, 2013

Love, True Love, is Real

There are those who believe there is no such thing as true love, that all these things I’ve talked about are just fantasy, the stuff of fairy tales or cheap romance novels. There are those who believe that matches aren’t made in heaven, that anybody can be happy with anybody else as long as they try hard enough.  Some even believe that there is no perfect match, you just have to settle for the best you can get.  But I know that there is such a thing as true love, it is real, and you can have it for yourself, if you really want it.  There is no need to settle, then try so hard to make it work it nearly kills you; I’ve been there, done that, and I’ll never do that again.  It isn’t about finding a good person, it is finding the right person.  It isn’t finding the perfect person, but it is finding the person that is perfect for you. The secret to finding him is to be your authentic self, the real, wonderful, amazing you.  Be patient, positive, and have faith that everything will work out, because it will. I know it.

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