Saturday, July 12, 2008

sweetest surprise

The summer I turned forty my husband accepted an assignment to Korea (for the following May) and I gave away the baby bed. My children were 13, 11, 9, 7, and 3 and by all appearances five children seemed to complete our little family. That fall I found out I was expecting. I had always wanted six children, but now, at my age? I was due the week after my husband was to leave for a year overseas with the Air Force. How in the world would I manage?!? As it turned out, there were complications with the pregnancy and our little boy was born a month early. We named him Isaac (after the Bible Isaac--his parents had him in their old age, too). It was a hard year but that baby was such an absolute delight to all of us that we knew he was sent especially to us especially at that time. He has been a special treasure to me his whole life; I tell him that he was my surprise baby and that he was the best surprise I ever had.

I do advise people, though, don’t give away the baby bed, you’ll surely be tempting fate if you do!


jamiecassidy said...

Thanks so much for your timely advice! You see, at this very moment I have two baby beds in my garage. I have been tempted to donate them to some other worthy couple(s), but now I know I must continue to keep them for my own safety. Perhaps setting one back up would not be smart though? Maybe I can give just one away?
My compliments to the gifted writer. I am awe struck by your stories and your writing style, which I very much enjoy. I have heard it said that you cannot really get to know someone through internet, you can only know about them. The way you express yourself in this forum is very revealing about who you have become over the years. So many close brushes with losing your life... Ponderous is your nature, and layered are your writings. I have had many thoughts while reading. First, you must be an avid journal keeper, what testament to good journal writing. Secondly, each story gives me cause to ponder...even contemplate similar experiences in my own life. For example, I never considered whether my children are embarrassed by my visiting with strangers in grocery lines, etc., or whether I, am a weed needing to be plucked in someone's life, or how much weeding I have yet to do myself...and how much weeding I have already done or ignored. James Allen writes much about the "seed weeds" of our minds.. Nevertheless, I am mostly surprised that you are not a published author or something. If so, where do I go to read? When you first said you were going to write 55 days worth of life lessons, I thought, who can remember so many things... that is so demanding. Well, I am impressed! I hope you will keep it up. It is all so meaningful to me. Maybe a weekly column in a newspaper or something?
I have a friend who had a weekly column in our local newspaper all during the years of raising her family... It was fun to read her stories during the week and then see her on Sunday, partly the celebrity status, but mostly, I understood her more after reading those weekly columns. Well you still have a few days to go! You must be having fun with this.

jamiecassidy said...

Thanks so much for your timely advice! You see, at this very moment I have two baby beds in my garage. I have been tempted to donate them to some other worthy couple(s), but now I know I must continue to keep them for my own safety. Perhaps setting one back up would not be smart though? Maybe I can give just one away?
My compliments to the gifted writer. I am awe struck by your stories and your writing style, which I very much enjoy. I have heard it said that you cannot really get to know someone through internet, you can only know about them. The way you express yourself in this forum is very revealing about who you have become over the years. So many close brushes with losing your life... Ponderous is your nature, and layered are your writings. I have had many thoughts while reading. First, you must be an avid journal keeper, what testament to good journal writing. Secondly, each story gives me cause to ponder...even contemplate similar experiences in my own life. For example, I never considered whether my children are embarrassed by my visiting with strangers in grocery lines, etc., or whether I, am a weed needing to be plucked in someone's life, or how much weeding I have yet to do myself...and how much weeding I have already done or ignored. James Allen writes much about the "seed weeds" of our minds.. Nevertheless, I am mostly surprised that you are not a published author or something. If so, where do I go to read? When you first said you were going to write 55 days worth of life lessons, I thought, who can remember so many things... that is so demanding. Well, I am impressed! I hope you will keep it up. It is all so meaningful to me. Maybe a weekly column in a newspaper or something?
I have a friend who had a weekly column in our local newspaper all during the years of raising her family... It was fun to read her stories during the week and then see her on Sunday, partly the celebrity status, but mostly, I understood her more after reading those weekly columns. Well you still have a few days to go! You must be having fun with this.

Jackie said...

So glad you are back! I don't recommend giving away two baby beds; it would almost surely guarantee twins! Are you up for that? I actually picked up a second one (just a portable one) a few years ago and keep them on hand for grandchildren... There's a suitable option. I believe that is true about how well one can get to know another through the internet, but when that is all one has, it is enough for the time being... As far as my writing, I really write for my own benefit, and that of my family (I suppose they'll be interested after I am gone). I have a lot of things I've written over the years, poetry, road shows, talks; eventually I will get everything compiled in a suitable format. I'm so glad for the computer!